Get a Free Early Copy of My Book!
Setting the Bar: Preparing Our Kids to Thrive in an Era of Distraction, Dependency, and Entitlement
Hello good people,
I hope you’ve been well and, for those who have kids, I hope you’ve been able to get into a nice school year routine. August can be such a busy time. It has been even more so than normal lately for us as Justin settles into his new job and I try to juggle a new school year while ironing out all the details for my book release. Anyway, it’s great to be writing to you again and I have cool news. Today, after four years of work, I’m very excited to be able to offer you a free early ebook copy of my book, Setting the Bar!
It may seem like a funny thing for a writer to give free copies of his book to all of his readers—the people who would be most likely to buy the book in the first place. But I want to make it as easy as possible for you to read this. I know that when I decide to read a book, it is usually because someone I trust suggests it. So, I’m convinced that the best way to spur more interest in my book is to facilitate word of mouth from people who will genuinely find it valuable. I only ask that you please leave an honest review on or on Tuesday, November 9th (the release date).
I think (and hope) there is a hunger right now for ideas about how to create a more fulfilling life and raise kids in a way that avoids the quickly multiplying landmines. For that reason, I hope you’ll consider sharing this limited time offer with anyone who you think will enjoy and find value from Setting the Bar. I’ll sweeten the offer...
I will send a free paperback copy along with a $20 Amazon gift card to the first five people to share this with someone who downloads the complimentary ebook copy and forwards me their email confirmation. All you have to do is:
Forward this email to a friend, colleague, family member, etc. who you think will like Setting the Bar.
After they download the free early copy, they will receive an email from BookFunnel titled: Email Confirmation for Setting the Bar
Have them forward that email to along with a note that tells me you sent them. They’ll need to include your email address or just copy you on their email.
I’ll reach out to the first five to let them know that they won and to get their address so I can ship their $20 Amazon gift card and paperback copy of Setting the Bar.
So that it is easier to share what the book is all about, I’ll copy and paste the book summary, here:
Criticizing the newest generation is a tradition as old as time. But there is truly something worrisome about the trends we are seeing in today's kids.
You’ve likely had this intuition yourself as you side-eye that family across the restaurant—kids and parents alike hunched over their individual devices. Or maybe you’ve bemoaned the decline of childhood hallmarks like pick-up games and biking across town—replaced by the allure of infinite entertainment and the growing expectation that parents manage every aspect of their kids’ lives. Or perhaps you’re a high-school teacher who has watched firsthand as students grow less comfortable socializing, less energized, less responsible, and less capable of setting out into the world, much less thriving in it.
It sounds progressive to dismiss these concerns, equating them with the typical brand of back in my day rhetoric. But that forgoes the opportunity for course correction at a time when it is most critical. Kids these days, like the societies they grow up in, are increasingly unhealthy, depressed, anxious, and plagued by a sense of meaninglessness. They are protected, entertained, and celebrated, but starved of something much more essential to their fulfillment.
With his diverse perspective as a decade-long educator, a respected voice in fitness coaching, and a writer featured everywhere from Quillette to Spartan, Shane Trotter synthesizes the most timeless wisdom and the most timely research to craft a unique vision of how we can adapt to create a generation that has the tools to thrive in an era marked by unprecedented change.
Blending philosophy, psychology and bold, honest storytelling, Trotter takes us on a journey to discover what has gone wrong and how we can turn the tide, both individually and collectively. Setting the Bar is an investigation into the human condition—who we are, what we need to flourish, and where we are going as a culture. This is a book for every concerned parent, teacher, or coach, and every conscientious citizen who cares about our kids and our future.
As I’ve often said, this is the book I had to write. It was going to burn inside me until I got it out. But it would not have been near what it is if it weren’t for the support, feedback, and creative experimentation y’all have allowed me over the years. Thank you so much for your time!
In other cool news—I had another article publish in Quillette yesterday: Remedial Education for All
I was fortunate enough to have had Justin edit this before sending it in. Much improved thanks to him.
And, I’m in the middle of recording the audio for this book so that it is available on Audible. I’ve had to do a lot of learning, but I’m finding a rhythm and really enjoying the process. Looking forward to sharing!
Thank you for reading today. Have a great week!
Life is too short to be normal,