Hello inspired humans! The big day is finally here!
My book—Setting the Bar: Preparing Our Kids to Thrive in an Era of Distraction, Dependency, and Entitlement—is officially published in paperback, hardback, ebook, and audio form and will be available henceforth and forevermore.
You can find an excerpt of the book available today at Quillette: https://quillette.com/2021/11/03/the-demoralization-of-the-american-teacher/
And later today there will be an excerpt available at Merion West.
To get the book in paperback, hardback, or kindle use this link.
To listen to the book on audible go here.
If you prefer ebooks and don’t use a Kindle, you can also find the book available through Nook or any other ebook store.
Many of you have already read Setting the Bar and I’m so grateful for your wonderful feedback!
An important note about gifting and second purchases!
I’ve had quite a few readers reach out to mention that they planned to buy copies for co-workers or for family members. If this applies to you, I want to do whatever I can to make this process cheaper and easier.
On a related note, I have a tendency to buy books that I really like in multiple formats and then to buy copies as gifts over time. For example, I first listened to The Obstacle is the Way on Audible. Then I wanted a hardcopy for myself to mark up. Since then I’ve bought it several more times as a gift. Last year, when I bought it for a student of mine who was heading to West Point, Amazon informed me that I had purchased The Obstacle is the Way six times already.
While I’m happy to support Ryan Holiday, I’d like to be considerate of you guys who are supporting me. So, if you have already purchased my book in any form and want to buy more copies or to get it in a different format, I’d like to offer them wholesale. Allow me to clarify:
If you’ve bought my book already in any format, just forward your previous order confirmation to shane@inspiredhumandevelopment.com along with a message telling me what you’d like and I will make the following discounts:
Ebook: Every ebook copy after a previous book purchase of any format is free
Paperback: Every copy after a previous purchase is $5 (the print costs) plus the shipping costs
Hardback: Every copy after a previous purchase is $11 plus the shipping costs
For example, if you are a teacher who wants to purchase 10 paperback copies for your staff, that would be $50 plus shipping.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to offer free Audible audiobooks to anyone who has bought my book in another format already, BUT the above offers do apply for anyone who has bought my book on Audible. For example, if you get the book on Audible and later want a paperback copy, then the paperback will be $5 plus shipping.
This system isn’t perfect and it may take a bit more time as I am an imperfect, frequently-unplugged middle man, but it is the least I can do.
Thank you very much for all your support as I’ve worked towards this day! It has been such a pleasure to share over the years.
Also, if you live in Dallas-Ft. Worth Area, please join me for the book launch at The Flying Squirrel in Mansfield, Texas this Saturday November 13th from 9 am to noon. I’d love to see you there!
I hope you’ll keep Setting the Bar in mind and share with anyone you think would be interested!
Life is too short to be normal,
I bought the book 3 weeks ago or so. I've only skimmed it so far.....only because I have two books ahead of it, but I have it out on my desk. Soon.....I am really looking forward to it