Hey Justin that's awesome.

I begun to tap my mouth during sleeping two months ago and i also felt great improvements in my sleep and energy levels. However i reached that practice due to my teeth grinding.

Researching about what causes teeth grinding i discover the Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS) through Steven Lin, as a potential cause. People suffering UARS have airways that collapse more easily --> interrupted sleep, activation of sympathetic nervous system --> open mouth to improve air collection and teeth grind.

The point is that he also focuses his attention on tongue position and voice exercises as important factors to improve nasal airways and its collection, i consider especially relevant tongue position due to its direct contact to the palate and nasal airways. What do you think?

I also would like to ask you and bring the discussion about, Is desirable keep the 5.5 and deep breath always? For example in situations where you need a huge focus/attention or have to solve as fast as possible a problem (even mentally), Would this type of breathing decreases mind performance, or in contrast would improve focus and clarity?

Un abrazo ;)

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Hey Justin. Yes i also wore a mouth guard for years, which i guess reinforced mouth breathing patterns (at the end it doesn't allow lips and teeth touching). When i improved my emotional state, around three years ago i noticed less tension, and this past year when i started to do myo-fascial relief i did it on jaw muscles too, and also noticed an improvement. However my dentist kept telling my that was impossible to solve teeth grinding problems, so i started to look for causes and investigate by myself. I discover this guy and his book "The Dental Diet" and diceded to prove mouth taping (i was also concerned about mouse and nose breathing consequences), and really its the best i found, i've never felt my jaw muscles more relaxed, and my sleep improved, so i guess it had something to do with nervous system too. Moreover, sleeping with your mouth closed also keep a warmer environment in your mouth, having consequences on enamel a bioma in our mouth.

To be honest i reached that guy because i was searching to recover my enamel, through some diet or avoiding certain nutrients, or even receiving direct sunlight hahahaha, at the end is recommended to avoid corrosive acids and eat minerals, and though enamel is not retrievable, dentin is. Do you know something more about it?

Un abrazo con mucho sol.

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Exactly ! We can keep in touch to share info about that topic. Un abrazo.

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