Mar 23, 2021Liked by Shane Trotter

Good points re: school boards, but I wish that it had included questions and strategies for addressing Critical Race Theory in curriculums.

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Thank you for reading and commenting. I certainly share your concerns. Thus far this has not become an issue in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area (which is why it didn't show up in this Stuff) but I know it is in coastal cities. Still, its on my radar and one I address in my book and I'll probably address in a longer article in the future. For now, I'd point you to collect reasonable well spoken critics of the ideology who can be referenced and shared as a means of legitimizing/ clearly enunciating the profound issues. Some of the best include: John McWhorter, Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell, Sam Harris, and Coleman Hughes. Hughes' latest podcast, which is a recording of his discussion at Harvard is phenomenal and has the legitimacy of a Harvard audience, whatever that is worth: https://youtu.be/Zq6xJ2vFlaA

Also, for a source that gets directly to your point, McWhorter addresses this here: https://johnmcwhorter.substack.com/p/is-it-racist-to-expect-black-kids

Quillette addresses the issue a bit as well and Megyn Kelly and Bill Maher have a fascinating discussion about it here: https://youtu.be/0pabbzNjZ2s

Thank you, again!

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thank you for your response. I follow all of the people you mention, as well as James Lindsey, Helen Pluckrose, Peter Boghossian, Brett Weinsteein, Glen Loury Karlyn Borsenko and Jodi Shaw. I'm surprised that the Dallas/Ft. Worth area is not yet dealing with CRT in curriculum, (Virignia ,Nevada, NH, Florida, and many other non-coastal places are in the thick of it.I'm not sure if geogrpahy matters much to me, in terms of IHD commenting on it, as IMO this is a national issue that has a strong growth and is supported by MSM, Big Tech upper academia and corporations. It is my wish that IDH may find a way to address CRT, even if it isn't yet in your backyard. Best.

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Yes, I agree. Geography only matters in regard to the initial prompt, which was the questions addressed to one specific local school board. But this is a national issue and one I'll plan to address in the future. I appreciate your writing.

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I appreciate your response...even if your p.o.v. might differ than mine, I'm happy just to get the conversation out there.

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Great point. I hope your suppositions about "actively combating it" are realized. The more that educators and parents start pushing back, the better. I have noticed that the CRT in education pushback is becoming more of a "thing." I'll take it. I'll take anything that evidences pushback.

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