Sitemap - 2022 - Inspired Human Development
The 85% Rule for Optimal Learning
Why We All Don't Make Sense, Sometimes
Are Your Goals Distracting from Your Goals?
Finding Experiences that Transform Us
The Subtle Art of Giving a Care
Thymos: How an ancient force drives our modern actions.
Your Mind Wants Problems, So Give it Some
The Wrong Beliefs Can Kill You, And What You Can Do About That
Why you struggle to achieve your goals
A Roundtable Discussion on Gratitude
Start With Why to Eliminate Whys
A Single Journal Prompt with Outsized Power
Are You Biohacking or Being Biohacked?
Active rest and high-quality leisure
The Tyranny of Too Many Good Choices
How I Accidentally Started Praying
Kids These Days: A Social Collapse Generations in the Making
Disruption, Chesterton's Fence, and Second-order thinking
Finding presence by setting up the future
Think Persistence, Not Perfection
Ascetic Hedonism and Learning Self-trust